Cotton, silk, linen, kibiso(waste) silk, chu-ito (ramie) tassar silk, dried hemp strands, paper, pine, birch.
December 2013

Holometabolous Entry Point(s)
Media: Artist-spun hemp, flax, merino wool, and silk noil yarn. Mohair, silk, kibiso (waste) silk, kakishibu tokkenshi (persimmon & charcoal dyed silk), cotton, copper, stainless steel, acrylic fiber, bamboo, cricula cocoons, chu-ito (ramie) tassar silk, dried hemp strands, a pine cone, Spanish moss.
44" x 14" x 7"
December 2013

HANDSPUN; flax + hemp + stainless steel. // Pre-Spun; Raw Silk // Filling; Handwashed Wool

Media: Merino wool, mohair, silk, kibiso (waste) silk, kakishibu tokkenshi (persimmon & charcoal dyed silk), cotton, copper, stainless steel.
20" x 13" x 1"
December 2013

expandingcollapsing // the (un)natural disaster
Media: Artist-spun wool, wood, nails, string.
20" x 20" x 1"
Fall 2013